Wielding an ethereal croon and masterful whistle crafted from a lifetime chasing lizards through the Ozark hills, Nick Shoulders is a living link to the vocal roots of country music...with an undeniable weird streak. Combining his family's deep ties to regional traditional singing with years of playing to crowded street corners (and empty bars), Nick has created a hybridized form of raucously clever country music; born of forgotten rocky hollers and bred to confront the tensions of the 21st century South.
An avid illustrator and painter, Nick combines the manic rural wit of his songwriting with a visual world all of his own, one surreal album cover at a time. With a creative output steeped in the rugged landscape and complicated history of his beloved homeland of Arkansas, Nick crafts his work as a conscious (but loving) rebuke of country music, and its historic allegiances to power and regression. With a kind word and a mean yodel, Nick hopes to put the 'Try' in country.
This show was due to take place on 10th Nov 2021 but will now take place on 9th Nov 2022. All tickets remain valid.
This is a 14+ event. 14 and 15 year olds MUST be accompanied by an adult (18+) / All ticketholders under the age of 25 will be required to carry PHOTO ID