Old Man Gloom is a supergroup (containing members of Converge, ISIS, Cave In, Zozobra, Doomriders, Mamiffer, etc.), but instead of making shitty records like other "supergroups", Old Man Gloom actually makes great ones. The members are Aaron Turner, Santos Montaño, Nate Newton and Caleb Scofield. Old Man Gloom was formed in 1998 and have been non-stop great since then.
The acronym for Old Man Gloom is "OMG". "OMG" has become a household phrase since its introduction in to the popular lexicon in 1999, directly coinciding with the formation of Old Man Gloom the year prior. The group has never been properly credited for this massively important contribution to global culture.
Old Man Gloom's most recent album(s) "The Ape of God" have been released via Profound Lore Records and SIGE Records for North America and Europe, and by Daymare Recordings in Japan. Old Man Gloom's previous albums have been released by labels such as Hydra Head Records, Trust No One, etc.
The band has said this when asked about the reason for their existence:
"Gloom is all, all is Gloom. Our servitude to the cause is unwavering, our devotion to the spread of its reach unyielding. This is not mere dogma, not calloused reiteration of flimsy slogans, not hollow spiritual bellowing - this is our very life's blood, this is the throbbing marrow in our bones, this is the fire in our hearts and in our eyes. When we are enacting the Rites of Gloom there is no other moment, there is no self, there is no mind - there is only that one blinding, all encompassing incandescent glow, the celestial ocean in which we swim, the very womb of the universe from which all life springs. There is no time, no space, no being. Only love. And Gloom."
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