Resurrection. A well-worn concept for any tall tale of horror, the supernatural and things that go bump in the night. Whether it’s the zombie horde rising from their graves to feast on the flesh of the living or Dracula undeadening himself so frequently that you wonder why Van Helsing didn’t just throw his hands up in the air as-if to say, “Fine, you do you, Dracenstein!”. Sometimes it seems like nobody can stay dead in this business, even those that purport to vanquish evil can’t stay six feet under for too long (especially if your surname is Summers or Winchester) which brings us to the point of this prose: The Return of Fearless Vampire Killers. Or, FVK: Reloaded if you prefer…
Fearless Vampire Killers formed in 2008, fought hard to win the attention of music fans and talcum powder enthusiasts for 8 years before reaching an unfortunate breaking point and going their separate ways. Five friends, inseparable for all that time, were torn asunder and left to lick their wounds, trying to figure out where their place in the world was without the band to guide and support them. What happened next, for both good and ill, was the simple and inevitable passing of time and living of life. All five strived to keep busy and reclaim some of their independence and personal relationships but when you’ve been friends since toddlerdom, shared some of the most important life-experiences together, and still have an all-consuming passion for making music it seemed inevitable that FVK would ride again, one way or another…
And here we are – nearly six years since calling it quits – the muse (no, not you Matt Bellamy sit down for goodness’ sake!) has enticed them out of semi-retirement to take their place as the not-quite young-upstarts-but-not-really-grizzled-legends that they are. The mission, simply being, to make the best music that they can together. Whether that’s in the studio, with the thunderful stomp of Delicate and the life-story rock-opera of Something Terminal; or on stage, making as much as noise as possible (partly because that’s what a good rock band does best; and partly to counteract the loss of hearing caused by their overly voluminous, “These go up to 11 and who says I need ear plugs you bloomin’ square!” former selves.
Join us for the official after party from 11pm to 3am at Blackout Club, get your tickets: theunderworldcamden.co.uk
This is a 14+ event. 14 and 15 year olds MUST be accompanied by an adult (18+) / All ticketholders under the age of 25 will be required to carry PHOTO ID.